Vitamin B is very important in pregnancy, there are so many benefits  


1)Vitamins are very much needed for the health of all of us. Especially during pregnancy, women need a lot of vitamins. In particular, vitamin B is more important. Vitamin B helps a lot in strengthening the baby's body in the womb. Eight types of B vitamins containing food play an important role during pregnancy. Let us know how important vitamin B is during pregnancy

2)Vitamin B-1

Vitamin B-1 helps a lot in the brain development of the baby in the womb. Pregnant women need vitamin B-1 daily. For this, you can include pasta, meat, dairy products in your diet.

Vitamin B-2

Vitamins B-2 keeps the eyes healthy. Apart from this, it helps in skin glow. Pregnant women should include the amount of vitamin B-2 in their diet. For this, chicken, fish, curd, eggs, etc. should be eaten during pregnancy.

Vitamin B-3

Vitamin B-3 corrects digestion and prevents headaches. Also reduces nausea. That's why doctors recommend pregnant women to take vitamin B-3. For this, women should eat bread, fish etc. during pregnancy.